Nest Thermostat

Nest Learning Thermostat

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Nest Thermostat Tracker

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Nest Learning Thermostat T100577 : Amazon Not Tracking $199.00 May 20 - 4:13 PM
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More About Nest Thermostat

Start saving on your power consumption

Schedule: Nest will learn a schedule based on the temperature changes you make. So turn Nest down two nights in a row, and the next night Nest will do it for you, Nest's schedule is always adapting to you.

Auto Away: When you're not home, Nest will notice and turn itself to an energy-saving temperature. This will help you avoid heating or cooling an empty home.

The Nest Leaf: You'll know you're saving energy when you see the Nest Leaf. The Leaf helps guide you to energy saving temperatures.

Energy History: Nest tracks your energy use and shows how much you've saved in Energy History. You can also see what affected your savings most such as your temperature adjustments, Auto-away, or the weather.

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